Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Role modelling is quite smart - yesterdays learning actually

Learn by role modelling allows you to effectively control and leverage the amazing power of your subconscious mind. The conscious mind is quite limited, so we need to use it to just instruct the subconscious mind.

1) Find role models that possess the skills you wish to learn - then simply observe them.
2) When having observed them perform the skill for some time, perform role modelling visualization trick by visualizing the role model in action, doing the skill you wish to internalize, and then jump into it.

So easy, and yet so powerful.
Challenge now:
1) Find skills to learn
2) Find best role models to copy
3) Actually DO the exercise

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Amazing how effective mind-conditioning is

Already feel all the benefits.
It's like an instant habit conditioner!

Spend time on ensuring that you spend time on yourself

Make sure you schedule time focused on improving your life by committing yourself to continuous improvement. (rather than just saying "I will improve my life").
It will in turn make you happier, enjoy life more, and ultimately make you more effective and productive in all areas of your life.

Today my top priority will be to:
- Complete mind conditioning to commit myself to continuous life-improving mind-conditioning to commit myself to continuous life-improving actions (yes, its not a typo)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Bulking tasks is perfect...

...even on a larger scale, like taking a week off to focus 100% on one thing.
This requires pre-planning, but the rewards are amazing, as you are focused on getting things done all the time - while at the same time really enjoying the process of course to get the most out of every second of your life.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Sick on the 4th day now...

...and the learning has been the same each day - only re-enforced and made stronger.
Don't let anything compromise your effort to stay healthy and take good care of yourself :)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Call more often than emailing...

...especially when you are uncertain of the situation and the other persons perception of it.
Remember that words only correspond to a very little part of the communication - and therefore you are at a high risk of misintepreting more complex situations over email.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Motivation Series: Continuous growth...

...is a personal key for motivation.

Having clear indications of continous growth (rather than e.g. yearly only), by indicating progress and providing courses with feedback/outcome effect is a great simple way to increase motivation (given that the learning mechanisms are in place of course).

Motivation series: Teamwork

In times where perceived impact of work is low, it appears that simple teamwork will increase motivation and output significantly.
Been observing this lately, and got indications from conversations today as well.

It has always been clear to me that teamwork is a great motivator, but it seems especially impactful for boring/less interesting tasks.
Interesting way to improve work morale for simple repetitive tasks e.g. support, administrative or sales tasks. Next question would be how to make it clear teamwork (rather than simple cooperation/splitting of tasks) for those types of tasks...

Motivation series: Public positive feedback...

...works wonders. And it is so easy to do.
Learning: If possible, keep feedback to a point where other people are present.